lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016



The son is talking about how his father cotributed for the attacks of terrorism in the United States.  He said that in November 5th, 1990, a man named El-Sayyid Nosair walked into a hotel in Manhattan and assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane, the leader of the Jewish Defense League. 

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He and other men began planning attacks on a dozen New York City landmarks, including tunnels, synagogues and the United Nations headquarters, the bad situation that I hear during this video is that El-Sayyid Nosair was his father.

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The son was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1983, his mother  tried her best to create a happy childhood . It wasn't until because when he was seven years old, his family dynamic started to change and his father exposed him.
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He moved 20 times in his life, and that instability during his childhood didn't really provide an opportunity for him to make many friends. 

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Each time he would begin to feel comfortable around someone, it was time to pack up and move to the next town. 

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He was frequently the target of bullies, he kept a identity a secret from his classmates to avoid being targeted.

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Zak Ebrahim is not his real name. He changed it when his family decided to end the connection with his father and start a new life. 

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jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016


In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers an assortment of religious separatists seeking a new home where they could freely practice their faith and other individuals lured by the promise of prosperity and land ownership in the New World.

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Thanksgiving become late for more than 200 years for be a tradition. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, it was a Three - Day Festival of eating, hunting, and entertainment in the Succesful Harvest.

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Thanksgiving tradition is celebrated in November 26th, since 1623. In 1789 the president George Washington created the First Ever National Thanksgiving Holiday.

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It didn't become an annual tradition, until the 19th century. That's when the American writer Sara Josepha Hale wrote a "Diary of a Pilgrim" talking about the 1st Thanksgiving.

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Beginning 1836, the government created a campaign for make Thanksgiving a National Day. There are a lot of things that people can cook for celebrate this important date, like:
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- Bread
- Stuffing
- Turkey
- Mashed potatoes
- Pumpking Pie
- Cranberry Sauch

In 1863, in the Civil War the President Abraham Lincoln celebrated the National Thanksgiving Day on November 26th. 

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martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016



Through this text, I want to tell all the things that I did two years ago. I traveled to Cuba because I got "10" in all the subjects. 

First, we proceeded to take the flight that would take us to the island of Cuba. Then we arrived at the international airport José Martí. Later we left and we took a tourist walk until we reach for our first destination, the Hotel "Aguas Azules".

It was very exciting to go to this place because it was the first time that I traveled to another country without my family. It was very hard to find my room, because the place was very big, I think that there were like 1000 rooms in all the hotel, but it was very funny. When I found my room, I arrived to take a shower. 

My favorite part of this journey was when we went to "The National Aquarium of Cuba", because I saw a Show of dolphins swimming and doing some trucks. We also went to a craft market where I had the opportunity to buy some souvenirs for my family. 

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All of us were very tired, in all the flight back, honestly all the time I was asleep. Leaving the airport we returned on buses to go to Iztacalco. 

When I go off the bus, I saw my whole family with a big note that said: "We missed you a lot José Luis, welcome to Mexico". I really wanted to see my parents and grandparents, and I cried for getting back with them anew.

Finally, I was very happy for all the things that I told them for this wounderful journey. 

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016



In my last holiday my parents took me to Acapulco with some of my friends.  I think that I learned how to spend the time because I did a lot of the things that I wanted. I enjoyed a lot with my friends, and my family, and I met new people too, because I was in different places during the day, and I wanted to meet people everywhere. 

The first place that I visited was the sea, because I love to feel the air of the space that is located there, also I ate shrimps and many things of the food that have Acapulco. At night my friends and me visited a little night club for dance and listen to music celebrating the end of this important day. 

The next day, we prepared our things for return to Mexico City and come back to classes. 

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016



(Second conditional)

1.- I would change the way I dress. 
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2.- I would play with dolls. 
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3.- I would have a different way of being.
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4.- I would work hard to be pretty.
5.-  I would be nervous about giving birth to a child. 
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6.-  I would be a good example to my friends, to my children, to whoever needed it.

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7.-  I would cook more.
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8.- I would wear make up.  
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9.- I would be so scared I’d fall in love with someone who treated me like a piece of shit.
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10.- I would wear high heels.
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