lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016


Student name: Lazcano Serrano José Luis.
Group: 514.


If you are a bad person, you will stay alone.
If you are a good person, you will stay in love.
If you cry, I will stay with you.
If you love me, I will cry with you.
If you laugh, I will laugh with you.
If you laugh with me, you will have a smile everyday.
If you love me, my heart will yours.
If you think about me, I will think about you.
If you love me, you will have flowers every morning. 
Resultado de imagen para love
Resultado de imagen para love

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016



My name is José Luis Lazcano Serrano. I was born on May 13th in México City. 

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, personas de pie y traje

I started school when I was 3 years old, in the Kinder Garden "My little World". 

Imagen relacionada

During the first 4 years of life, I had a surgery due to a throat problem.  

Imagen relacionada

At the end of kindergarten, I started the Elementary School at the age of 6 years in the College Francisco I Madero.

I was in this school 3 years, and then I moved to another Elementary School called "Luis Pasteur". 

When I entered my new school I used to speak only one language, so I needed to learn a new one , and this was the moment of my life where I began to study English. 

Resultado de imagen para english

When I finished the Elementary School, I received a Certification from the University of Cambridge, because of the level of English that I had. 

Then, I entered to the Junior High School "Martín V. Gonzalez, and I was there during 3 years.

During these 3 years that I was in the Junior High School, I got straight A's in all of my subjects, and as a reward I travelled to other countries such as Cuba and Panama.

When I was in Cuba, the results for the test of the High School were publicated, but I couldn't check them because in that place they didn't have Internet. 

When I came back from Cuba, my parents told me that I had been accepted in my first option, that was the High School 2 "Erasmo Castellanos Quinto", so I was very happy. 

When I entered this school, I didn't have a break because the classes began the following week, so I had to prepare myself to start. 

This change was very hard for me, I mean from the Junior High School to the High school, but I mantained my straight A's, it was difficult, but I did it.

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, interior

Now, I'm in fifth grade, I'm happy with the teachers that I have nowadays, and my classmates are excellent people.